Saturday, April 4, 2015

30 (or more?) before 30

Recently, I’ve been thinking about a lot my “bucket list.” But also about the fact that I want to be adventurous NOW. What’s holding me back? So I’ve thought about compiling a 30 before 30 list. It may be more than 30, maybe a little bit less. But my challenge for myself as I embark on this decade of 20’s (even though I’m already halfway through the first year) is to try new things. This will be a list that will continue to be updated, changed, things getting added, crossed off, etc.
1. Smoke a Cigar completed 3/3/15 with my guy friends! Also smoked a pipe!
2. Travel/Backpack to/in Europe
3. Go Skiing
4. Visit a winery (preferably Napa Valley or Martha’s Vineyard)
5. Go to an Ed Sheeran Concert
6. Run a half-marathon
7. Visit Seattle
8. Publish an article
That’s really what i have so far, numbers 9-30 will be added as I come up with more. I've also really fallen off the deep end when it comes to blogging. This semester has been quite the whirlwind, and I'll try to make it a point soon to catch up on what's been happening in my life, especially as the countdown to summer begins! 

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